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Emily Kopania - Evolutionary Genomics

Drawings of lab mouse, mouse sperm, zebrafish, and retina topography map
A photo of Emily outside

I am an evolutionary biologist seeking to understand how selection pressures act across developmental processes. I use genomics and molecular biology to do this. Most of my work has focused on understanding the molecular evolution of spermatogenesis in murine rodents and male hybrid sterility in house mice. More recently, I have started studying the evolution of the retina in both mammals and fish. See my Research page to find out more, and check out my publications and presentations here.

I am currently an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in Nathan Clark's lab at the University of Pittsburgh. I did my Ph.D. with Jeff Good at the University of Montana and worked in Matt Dean's lab at the University of Southern California as an undergraduate and master's student.

You can email me here. I am also on Bluesky, GitHub, and Google Scholar.

Site maintained by Emily Kopania. Last updated August 2, 2024. Mouse drawing by Emily Moore. Check out her lab website here!. Zebrafish image adapted from Biorender.